I'm so excited. I found gluten-free bread at Le Clerc today! I didn't know it existed in France. It's actually not that great, but with enough butter and brie, it should be fine. I also found rice cakes and cashews (I found the "health-food" section of the store). We also went into the bookstore, and I found a lot of books. I'm planning on purchasing some Tintin comic books and the Beatrix Potter series.
J'ai beaucoup de devoir pour le weekend (I have a lot of homework for the weekend), but am not too worried about it.
Next session (after Paris), my friend's host mom offered to host a cooking class on Thursday nights in her home. It will (most likely) be just the two of us, with her as the teacher, so we'll actually get to learn new and more complicated things. I'll spend the night there on Thursday, too, which will be nice. We're quite excited.
Just wanted to update everyone on these few bits of news. I can't believe I've been here for two weeks already. Time is racing by. I was talking avec un de mes amis aujourd'hui (with one of my friends today) and we were both saying how we haven't slept in past 7:00am even once. C'est triste (it's sad).
I've mentioned before that the weathere here changes quickly. Here is an example: this morning, the sun was shining so brightly that when I woke up, I thought I had slept through my alarm clock (this turned out not to be the case). At the bus stop (around 7:45am), it was so warm that I had to take off my coat. Then, it started pouring down rain around 12:45, so when my friend and I went downtown, we had to sit inside in a cafe. Then, it stopped raining around 2:30, and the sun sort of came out, but it was windy and mostly cloudy. C'est tres bizarre. I've never experienced anything like it. Currently, at 5:30, it's completely overcast. I hope it's nice for the coast tomorrow.
I will write more later, I am wathing the match de tennis.
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