vendredi 18 juillet 2008

Rafting helmets: the universal equalizer.

Bonsoir, mes amis.

I hope all is well on the other side of the pond.

I had a first today: I went whitewater rafting in the Pyrenees. You may wonder, "Was it as cool as it sounds?" The response is a resounding yes. Not only did I go whitewater rafting, I also jumped down a waterfall (it was only about three meters~no, I can't convert to yards~high, but it was cool just the same).

Remember how I said that my new dream summer job is to be a journalist who follows the Tour de France? Scratch that. I want to be a whitewater rafting guide. They just whitewater raft all day, get a great tan, and meet lot of cool people (like our group, obviously). It also helps that the guides we had were really cute french boys, which made the job seem extra-appealling.

The only downside to the day was that we all had to wear ridiculous outfits: wetsuits, watershoes, enormous lifevests, and helmets. Wetsuits flatter no one (I repeat, no one), watershoes are squelchy and ugly, these particular lifevests were red and absolutely enormous (we all looked like the Pilsbury dough boy's lobster cousins), and the helmets were plastic (they looked like those helmets you put on kids who are, you know, special) and came in pale pink, pale blue, or florescent yellow). Rafting outfits are definitely bonding and equalizing apparel.



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